General Conditions

Company information

Company name: BV NuvoGems 
Company number:BE0779363821
Business address: 2018 Antwerpen Belgium 

Article 1: General provisions

This e-commerce webshop offers its customers the opportunity to purchase the products from its webshop online. These General Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to any order placed by a visitor to this e-commerce webshop (“Customer”). Additional terms and conditions of the Customer are excluded, unless they have been expressly accepted in advance, in writing.

Article 2: Price

All prices quoted are expressed in euros and, unless otherwise stated, include VAT. If delivery, reservation or administrative costs are charged, this will be stated separately.

The price statement refers exclusively to the articles as described verbatim. The accompanying photos are decorative and may contain elements that are not included in the price.

Article 3: Offer

Despite the fact that the online catalog and the e-commerce webshop are compiled with the greatest possible care, it is still possible that the information provided is incomplete, contains material errors, or is not up-to-date. Obvious mistakes or errors in the offer are not binding. The seller is in no way liable in the event of manifest material errors, typesetting or printing errors. If the Customer has specific questions about, for example, sizes, colour, availability, delivery time or delivery method, we request that the Customer contact our customer service in advance.

The offer is valid while stocks last and can be adjusted or withdrawn at any time. The seller cannot be held liable for the unavailability of a product.

Article 4: Online purchases

The Customer has the choice between bank transfer or credit card as payment methods.

The seller is entitled to refuse an order due to a serious shortcoming of the Customer with regard to orders in which the Customer is involved.

Article 5: Delivery and execution of the agreement

Any visible damage and/or qualitative shortcoming of an article or other shortcoming in the delivery must be reported by the Customer without delay.
after we ship the item, it takes up to 7 working days to be delivered to your address.

The risk of loss or damage passes to the Customer as soon as he (or a third party designated by him, who is not the carrier) has taken physical possession of the goods.

Article 6: Retention of title

The delivered items remain the exclusive property of the seller until full payment by the Customer.

Article 7: returns

all our jewellery is custom made to order. when a customer places an order, our goldsmith prepares the model custom made and our setter sets the diamond in the jewel. as such, we do not accept returns for purchased items. however a customer can exchange an item with another item of the same price within 14 days of of receiving the purchased item. the sending costs for such an exchange will be paid for by the costumer.

Article 8: Waranty

The warranty never applies to defects that arise as a result of accidents, neglect, falls, use of the article contrary to the purpose for which it was designed, non-compliance with the instructions for use or manual, adjustments or changes to the item, heavy-handed use, poor maintenance, or any other abnormal or incorrect use.

Article 9: Sanctions for non-payment

Without prejudice to the exercise of other rights, in the event of non-payment or late payment from the date of default, the Customer will owe interest on the unpaid amount by operation of law and without notice. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the right is reserved to take back the items that have not been paid (in full).

Article 10: Privacy policy

The seller reserves the right to collect data from the user exclusively for internal use, both directly via collection of the data provided by the user at the time of the order and indirectly (e.g. via the use of cookies, which short data strings are on the computer of the user of the site that allows the seller to optimally tailor the content and layout of the site to the user). connected. In accordance with the law of December 8, 1992 for the protection of privacy with regard to personal data, the user has the right at any time to view, modify, correct and delete this data if he no longer wishes to receive information about our activities. To do this, they can contact the seller’s customer service in writing.

Article 11: Infringement of validity – non-renunciation

If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, illegal or void, this shall in no way affect the validity, legality and applicability of the other provisions. Failure at any time by the seller to enforce any of the rights set forth in these Terms, or to exercise any right hereof, shall never be deemed a waiver of such provision and shall never affect the validity of such rights. .

Article 12: Change of conditions

These Terms and Conditions are supplemented by other terms and conditions explicitly referred to, and the seller’s general terms and conditions of sale. In the event of a conflict, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

Article 13: Applicable law

Belgian law applies. The courts of the Seller’s place of residence have jurisdiction in legal disputes. The Seller can also contact the ODR platform.cle